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Lillian Landis

Lillian Landis was raised by Christian parents who instilled within her a sense of ministry. Her father, who was both an ordained military chaplain and church pastor, was divorced by his first wife in the fifties – she conceded to end the marriage because she did not intend to travel with him. Thus, he maintained his calling from God, married his second wife, Lillian's mother, and continued in the pastoral ministry for 42 years. Always aware of her father’s divorce, Lilly was not confronted with the divorce issue until her own 24 year marriage was crumbling around her. She stood for her first marriage for over four years, but the marriage ended by default, according to the State where she lived.  Her first marriage ended in 2008.


Lilly chose to educate herself in Christian Social Ministries when she entered William Carey University in 1978. And like many people, she had no idea how that was going to pan out...or what she was going to do with her education. After a career in child care, she has met her true encourager/teacher/equipper who knows the hearts of those who have been abandoned and betrayed by their spouses. She has also realized that God has called her to equip churches for comprehensive divorce ministries fully executed by trained mentors of like pasts, who show a calling to expand the mission of their own church.


Lilly has been a divorced mother to her three children for 12 years and lives in Greenville, South Carolina. She holds an MaRE as a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1986) and a BA from William Carey University (1982). She is the author of Healing Within The Storm – a companion book for those facing divorce and/or those who are divorced. Her book can be purchased  at His Grace Ministry events/trainings.

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