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An Inspiration to Others

"Alive, truth, practical and spirit filled" - these are words I think of when I remember the time I had with Lilly (Holcomb) Landis as a teacher and group leader at LCBC. I met Lilly right after making LCBC our church home. I was looking for a Christian friend, mentor and teacher and she was all of those and blessed me richly by her integrity, passion and ability to speak and teach God's Word with power to impact our lives. Wherever God takes her I am sure as she leans on Him to lead He will use her to lead women to be more like Jesus. 

~Gale ~
Lancaster, PA


 Your book and radio blogs have been a lifeline for me during this time of soul agony. I'm so grateful to God that you were willing to write that book.. your transparency and loving heart have had a tremendous impact in my life. God has used your words of wisdom to keep me from making some very damaging decisions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God truly does give us beauty for ashes. He took what the enemy intended for destruction in your life and has brought healing for many, many people.                    

  While reading Healing Within The Storm I found it as a direct answer to prayer. I was so shattered and bewildered when my husband left me. -- I cried out to God for someone to help me through this valley of grief.  There aren't very many resources here where I live. When I stumbled upon Picket Fences and then your book it was like finding cool water after being lost in the desert. Do not believe for a moment that this book was for naught. It is and will bring healing to many lives. I am getting a copy for my Pastor and his wife. They have seen how it has helped me and they want to read it so that they can use it to help in their ministry. Continue in the work The Father has given you... it is bearing fruit.


Susan -North Carolina

Lilly is an excellent Bible teacher. I have been impressed with her knowledge of scripture and how it relates to everyday life. She uses scripture to effectively teach the message she has for us. Lilly has taken her life experiences and use them to encourage women to find their strength in the Lord. God uses Lilly's desire and talent to mentor and encourage women to look to God through life's challenges.

~ Margaret ~

Brandon, MS

You have been a blessing to Picket (on-line divorce women's ministry) in the last few years and I want to personally thank you for your service and dedication to helping women going through divorce. You are a published author and your Blog Talk Radio Program reached over 50,000 listeners and has been a great encouragement to so many. I wish you the best with your ministry, and I know from working alongside you, that you will accomplish great things through the hand of the Lord. I appreciate your friendship, candor, tenacity, and also personal encouragement that you have given me over the last few years. The Ministry Team and I will keep you in our prayers as you move on to a new chapter in your journey. 

May God richly bless you, 


~Lisa~ Administrator >2014

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